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Take a sneak peek into some of our passion projects...


Tasked with the mission of capturing the best moments of this concert led by the Common Kings–a band that has blessed the world with their music since 2011, our photography skills had to come in clutch as the Pacific Theatre was lit by hundreds of lights and filled with thousands of people.

The most important decision to be made was the lens choice. Armed with a telephoto lens and a wider lens both with a higher aperture, we were able to get close ups of the singers as well as a great depiction of the crowd and the environment.

PCC_60thAnniversary_AlumniShow_SamoaSection_DP  PCC_60thAnniversary_AlumniShow_TahitiSecti


“Fire is never a gentle master” 

As a photographer, knowing your camera and its manual settings is very important. While in a lot of situations you can use the same settings and get great photos, in this particular situation, it was not the case. Three things. One, the overall scene was dark. Two, there was a lot of movement happening. Three, we were playing with FIRE!

With the shutter speed set fast enough to have the performer sharp and the flame train, the ISO set high enough to avoid noise and grain and expose the subject right, and our aperture fully opened for some light, we were ready to freeze the fire and the photos were a success. 


The idea behind Mana Wahine was to portray the greatness of our Polynesian Women.


Here in this first session of Mana Wahine, our models were both of Māori descent. They proudly represented their families during this photoshoot that we made happen in an environment that recalls the green mountains of Aotearoa. 


To bring out the best in their attire, we picked a time of the day when the light was softer so that we wouldn’t have overexposed images and would be able to make the right colors pop. It was a combo of wide and tight shots that made the dream work for this project.

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